PodCTL - Enterprise Kubernetes

Dissecting Kubernetes Survey Data

July 10, 2018 Brian Gracely & Tyler Britten
Dissecting Kubernetes Survey Data
PodCTL - Enterprise Kubernetes
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PodCTL - Enterprise Kubernetes
Dissecting Kubernetes Survey Data
Jul 10, 2018
Brian Gracely & Tyler Britten

Show: 41

Show Overview: Brian and Tyler talk about a number of data surveys that have recently been published about container usage, Kubernetes usage, and several other cloud trends.

Show Notes:

Topic 1 - Lots of differences between these surveys, both in methodology and results:

  • Does the data come from surveys or actual monitoring? 
  • How do they classify various technologies (by project, by vendor, by cloud service, by both)? 
  • Do they include usage-based details?

Topic 2 - Would you prefer to see more vendor-usage data in these reports, or is it OK to just have generic usage data? Right now it’s sort of a mixed bag

Topic 3 - It’s (usually) never clear who is running these container environments. We see some survey data targeting developers, but not all of them explain (or know) which groups are running the container environments vs. consuming services.

Topic 4 - It’s interesting that none of these surveys highlight the location of companies/customers/users, since we know that certain geographic pockets of the world have very different usage behaviors than others.


Show Notes

Show: 41

Show Overview: Brian and Tyler talk about a number of data surveys that have recently been published about container usage, Kubernetes usage, and several other cloud trends.

Show Notes:

Topic 1 - Lots of differences between these surveys, both in methodology and results:

  • Does the data come from surveys or actual monitoring? 
  • How do they classify various technologies (by project, by vendor, by cloud service, by both)? 
  • Do they include usage-based details?

Topic 2 - Would you prefer to see more vendor-usage data in these reports, or is it OK to just have generic usage data? Right now it’s sort of a mixed bag

Topic 3 - It’s (usually) never clear who is running these container environments. We see some survey data targeting developers, but not all of them explain (or know) which groups are running the container environments vs. consuming services.

Topic 4 - It’s interesting that none of these surveys highlight the location of companies/customers/users, since we know that certain geographic pockets of the world have very different usage behaviors than others.
