PodCTL - Enterprise Kubernetes
Red Hat Kubernetes weekly technology podcast hosted by Brian Gracely (@bgracely) along with friends from the Kubernetes community. Focused on Containers | Kubernetes | Red Hat OpenShift | Cloud Native Applications | Microservices | PaaS | CaaS | DevOps.
88 episodes
PodCTL is back! Season 2 teaser.
SEASON 2 - TrailerABOUT THE SHOW:It's been a few months, but it's good to back with our Kubernetes community. Since there are so many things happening around the Kubernetes community, and many people are new, we decide...
Season 2
Episode 1

S2:E1 - What is Kubernetes?
SEASON 2 - EPISODE 1ABOUT THE SHOW:In this show, we look at the core architecture of Kubernetes, and what is included within the Kubernetes project. SHOW LINKS:
Season 2
Episode 2

S2:E2 - What challenges can Kubernetes solve?
SEASON 2 - EPISODE 2ABOUT THE SHOW:In this show, we look at the why technologists and business leaders are choosing to use Kubernetes to help solve new business challenges. We highlight the various types of use-cases t...
Season 2
Episode 3

S2:E3 - How does Kubernetes get created?
SEASON 2 - EPISODE 3ABOUT THE SHOW:In this show, we look at the how Kubernetes is created as an open source projects, with contributions from hundreds of engineers, and governance by the CNCF. We explore the freq...
Season 2
Episode 4

S2:E4 - How does Kubernetes get released?
SEASON 2 - EPISODE 4ABOUT THE SHOW:In this show, we discuss the frequency of Kubernetes releases, as well as the differences between upstream project releases and vendor-created distributions (or cloud services). We al...
Season 2
Episode 5

S2:E5 - What's included in Kubernetes?
SEASON 2 - EPISODE 5ABOUT THE SHOW:In this show, we explore one of the most misunderstood topics surrounding Kubernetes - what is actually included in the upstream project? We also explore how this often creates gaps f...
Season 2
Episode 6

S2:E6 - What's not included in Kubernetes?
SEASON 2 - EPISODE 6ABOUT THE SHOW:In this show, we look at what is not included in the upstream Kubernetes project, and why the add-on elements can create differences between different implementations that use Kuberne...
Season 2
Episode 7

S2:E7 - What skills are needed for Kubernetes?
SEASON 2 - EPISODE 7ABOUT THE SHOW:In this show, we explore the technical skills that are most frequently needed to be success in either operating a Kubernetes platform, or building applications that use Kubernetes.
Season 2
Episode 8

DevOps for Dummies
SHOW: 75SHOW OVERVIEW: Chris talks with Emily Freeman (@editingemily, Ops Advocacy Manager, Microsoft) about the biggest challenges faced in cloud adoption and DevOps culture changes. SHOW NOTES:...

Introduction to Java Quarkus for Kubernetes
SHOW: 76SHOW OVERVIEW: Chris talks with Daniel Oh (@danieloh30, Principal Technical Product Marketing Manager, Red Hat) about new innovation in deploying Java applications on Ku...

Digging into OnCallOps
SHOW: 74SHOW OVERVIEW: Chris talks with Matt Stratton (@mattstratton, DevOps Advocate, PagerDuty) about how to better manage OnCall Rotations, integrating DevOps concepts with OnCall, and suggestions about better organizin...

KubeCon NA 2019 Contributor Summit & Event Preview
SHOW: 73SHOW OVERVIEW: Chris talks with Marky Jackson (@markyjackson5, Senior Software Engineer, Sysdig) about the KubeCon Contributor Summit, their experiences contributing to the Kubernetes community, and involvement of ...

Building a Cloud-native Kubernetes Platform
SHOW: 72SHOW OVERVIEW: Brian talks with Joe Fernandes (@JoeFern1, VP of Product Management, Red Hat Cloud BU) about Red Hat's experience with Kubernetes, innovating upstream and integrating products, OpenShift 4 cloud-like...

The Intersection of DevOps and Kubernetes
SHOW: 71SHOW OVERVIEW: Brian talks with Chris Short (@ChrisShort, Technical Marketing @RedHat, CNCF Ambassador, writes at DevOps’ish) about DevOps 10th birthday, how Kubernetes helps DevOps, and the exciting news that Chri...

Introduction to GitOps
SHOW: 70SHOW OVERVIEW: Brian talks with Alexis Richardson (@monadic, CEO @weaveworks) about the emerging concepts and technology behind “GitOps”. SHOW NOTES:

Reviewing KubeCon Barcelona 2019 - Part I
SHOW: 69SHOW OVERVIEW: Brian reviews the major project-level news and announcements from KubeCon Barcelona 2019, as well as gives some feedback about the overall show. SHOW NOTES:Try OpenShift 4 ...

Operators and OperatorHub
SHOW: 68SHOW OVERVIEW: Brian talks with Rob Szumski (@robszumski, Sr. Manager Product Management @OpenShift) about the evolution of Operators, the emerging capabilities in Kubernetes to support Operators, OperatorHub, Helm...

Ceph Storage with Rook
SHOW: 67SHOW OVERVIEW: Brian talks with Annette Clewett (@aclewett, Senior Architect @RedHat) and Travis Nielsen (@STravisNielsen, Senior Principal Software Engineer @RedHat) about software-defined storage, managing storag...

Kubernetes Extended Authentication Model
SHOW: 66SHOW OVERVIEW: Brian talks with Marc Boorshtein (@mlbian, CTO at Tremolo Security) about trends in Kubernetes security, and how to think about the Kubernetes Extended Authentication Model. SHOW NOTES:

Multi-Cluster and Federation v2
SHOW: 65SHOW OVERVIEW: Brian talks with Paul Morie (@cheddarmint, Sr. Principal Software Engineer @RedHat, Reviewer/Approver of Federation v2) about the evolution of multi-cluster and Federation v2 in Kubernetes. &nb...

Project Quarkus, Kubernetes-native Java
SHOW: 64SHOW OVERVIEW: Brian talks with Burr Sutter (@BurrSutter, Director Developer Experience @RedHat) about Project Quarkus (@QuarkusIO), Supersonic Subatomic Java for Kubernetes-native application development.

Understanding Project Velero (formerly Ark)
Show: 63Show Overview: Brian talks with Carlisia Pinto (@carlisia, Sr. Member of Technical Staff at VMware, OSS Maintainer of Project Velero) about Project Velero (formerly “Ark”), and backing up and migrating applications...

Ansible Operators
Show: 62Show Overview: Brian talks with Fabian von Feilitzsch (@fabianismus, Sr. Software Engineer at RedHat) and Shawn Hurley (@shaw...