PodCTL - Enterprise Kubernetes

Ansible Operators

Red Hat OpenShift

Show: 62

Show Overview: Brian talks with Fabian von Feilitzsch (@fabianismus, Sr. Software Engineer at RedHat) and Shawn Hurley (@shawn_hurIey, Sr. Software Engineer at Red Hat) about Ansible Operators, how they work with Ansible Playbook, on-platform and off-platform usage, and examples to help people learn the new Kubernetes technology.

Show Notes:

Show Topics:

Topic 1 - There are multiple types of operators: Go, Ansible, Helm. What are the basic things that the Ansible Operator does - in the context of the Operator Framework?

Topic 2 - Are there some basic things that an existing Ansible Playbook should have in order to easily fit into an Ansible Operator? 

Topic 3 - Will Ansible Operator mostly be targeting applications that are automated via Ansible Playbooks, or is it also applicable to infrastructure or security-related playbooks?

Topic 4 - How does an Ansible Operator interact with Ansible Tower, or how due those two worlds co-exist (or not)?

Topic 5 - Are there examples today of Ansible Operators that people can look at or try out? 


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