PodCTL - Enterprise Kubernetes

3.6 Ways to Love Kubernetes

Red Hat OpenShift Season 1 Episode 1

Show: 1

Show Overview: Brian Gracely (@bgracely) and Tyler Britten (@vmtyler) introduce the PodCTL podcast, discuss the latest news in the Kubernetes community, highlight the OpenShift 3.6 launch, and answers some frequently asked questions about Linux containers.
 Show Links:

Show Notes

  • Topic 1: An Introduction to the new podcast and our hosts.
  • Topic 2: News and Updates from the Kubernetes and CNCF Communities
  • Topic 3: What's new in OpenShift 3.6 with this week's launch?
  • Topic 4: How can people learn more about OpenShift, or get hands-on experience?- Self-Paced Online Learning: 

Learning Links:
