PodCTL - Enterprise Kubernetes

PodCTL Basics - What is Kubernetes?

Brian Gracely & Tyler Britten Season 1 Episode 2

Show: PodCTL Basics #1

Show Overview: The basics of Kubernetes.

Show Notes:

 Segment 1 - What is Kubernetes?

  • Technology that spawned from Google’s internal “Borg” system for running application in containers. 
  • Open source project donated to the CNCF in 2015. 
  • Open source community of 1500+ engineers working on various sub-projects that make up the Kubernetes system. 

 Segment 2 - How does Kubernetes work?

  • etcd 
  • Kubernetes API 
  • Kubernetes scheduler 
  • Kubelet on each worker machine
  • Controllers

 Segment 3 - What’s the relationship between Kubernetes and Containers?

  • Containers describe what application bits run on a machine 
  • Kubernetes is the framework that places containers on machines and ensures that the containers run in a well-defined manner (start/stop, highly available, load-balanced, etc.) 

 Segment 4 - Are there alternative technologies that work similar to Kubernetes?

  • Kubernetes is ultimately a framework that schedules containers 
  • Mesos Marathon 
  • Docker Swarm 
  • Nomad from Hashicorp 
  • Lots of homegrown, DIY systems, mostly based on scripting

 Segment 5 - How can a company get Kubernetes or use Kubernetes?

  • Use the Open source software from the Kubernetes community 
  • Use commercially available distributions of Kubernetes from multiple vendors 
  • Consume Kubernetes-as-a-Service from multiple cloud providers
